Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Current Health Articles Talk About Myths

In the current health articles, we have seen the topic of breast feeding and myths related to it, have been raised tremendous times. These current heath articles reveal the today's hi-tech and scientific world and women still believe in these myths. There are many myths that have been attached to the breast feeding. The myths are like the following:

The first and most common myth is that the majority of women aren't able to produce more than enough milk. But in reality, this is the false conception. The current heath articles, written by the scholars, have shown that the overabundance of milk is common. The most common and usual reason that the baby does not get the milk that is available is that he is poorly latched onto the breast. This is why it has become so important that the mother be shown how to latch a baby on properly.

The second myth that has been shown in the current health articles is that it is normal forbreastfeeding to hurt. This is not true at all. Any pain related to it that is more than mild is abnormal and it is because that the baby is not latching properly. Any nipple pain that is not getting better by day 3 or 4 or lasts beyond 5 or 6 days should not be ignored by the mother.

It is the frequently asked question in the current health articles that there is no (not enough) milk during the first 3 or 4 days after birth. This is again the misconception. The reason behind this misconception is also not the proper latching of the baby. This has been seen and read in the scholaristic current health articles that during the first few days the baby who is latched on poorly cannot get milk. By not latching on the baby well, the baby is unable to get the mother's first milk, called colostrums.

This is really funny and amazed query in the current health articles. It says that a mother should wash her nipples each time before feeding the baby. Hygiene is really important for the baby as he is prone to infections. As we all know that the breast milk protects the baby against infection. The concept of washing nipples before each feeding makes breastfeeding unnecessarily complicated and washes away protective oils from the nipple.

Breast milk does not contain enough iron for the baby's needs is the again one of the fallacy which women believe, says the current health articles. This is again an untrue statement. The breast milk contains just enough iron for the baby's needs.

Again the most asked question that it is easier to bottle feed than to breastfeed. This is again not true. The current health articles have proved that the breastfeeding is made difficult because women often do not receive the help they should to get started properly. A poor start can indeed make breastfeeding difficult as well as painful. But a poor start can also be overcome by the proper guidance as well as the help.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

mens health articles

This section called, mens health articles, provides valuable information to over 97% of men who will suffer from some kind of urinary problem in their lifetime.

The problem could start in your thirties or sixties, but it will happen so be prepared to know the symptoms of this aliment. mens health articles It pays dividends for a man to become knowledgeable by reading men’s health articles about his prostate gland. Moreover, one should be aware of its functions.

prostate diagram

Specifically, the prostate gland is a man’s sex organ that is wrapped around the urethra under the bladder. The problem is this: the prostate gland continues to grow as we age, thereby causing our urethra to become restricted because of BPH (enlarged prostate)! This restriction causes a problem when one is trying to urinate.

This module presents articles that will explain in some detail how the prostate affects both your sex life and your life span.

I sincerely hope that you read this information it can help you to avoid mistakes and avoid inexperienced urologists.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Current Health Articles

Looking for the current health articles to read, but don't have the time to read all the articles written in your health magazine? Then you might find the following health articles overview interesting;

Current Health Articles:
H1N1 Flue Deemed Non-Sensational!
The seriousness of H1N1 Swine Flue wrapped the world in great terror during its debut outbreak. Today,health officials say that the outbreak of Swine Flu is not really considered as that devastating. The pandemic H1N1, personified by the media, was nothing more serious than previous seasonal flu viruses; this is also according to one research group who made an independent census on flu.

Men More Likely to Suffer Memory Loss

According to a recent research, men are found to be much more susceptible to memory loss and mental impairments than women. The new research points out how gender greatly affects the mind and why it is less likely to be experience by women. This is because the male group have higher tendency to develop Mild Cognitive Impairment which can sometimes trigger Alzheimer's disease. People who suffer from MCI also notice problems related to analytical ability and memory.

Cheaper Treatment for HIV-infected Kids

Because of the pronounced costliness of HIV treatment, the options for HIV-infected children have become limited for the past decade. But thanks to the establishment of a new U.S National Institutes. Their funded study revealed a possible and cheaper means in treating children infected with HIV. Their discovery also includes the practical use of Nevirapine as an HIV drug in the treatment. Nevirapine is the most frequently turned to HIV drug that helps reduce the risk of HIV transmission to newborn babies.

Hair Hormone Reveal Causing Heart Risk

Because there was no direct evidence that would link a chronic stress to heart attack, many researchers viewed it that way. Today, a recent study had revealed that an increased level of stress hormone called cortisol in the shaft of the hair can stimulate and improve the risk of heart attack. In this study, it was also discovered that cortisol level is a more important heart attack predictor than high blood, high cholesterol and smoking combined.
For more current health articles, you can check the web for more info.