Friday, June 1, 2012

No More Acne Tips for Those Looking to cure it

Acne – “One of the Common Skin Diseases for Many Teenagers nowadays”

Where this skin infections affects - on the face, back, and neck

It is one of the most embarrassing disease specially for women. I think natural treatment of this disease will be ideal to get rid from this.

Be aware very first about which products you are using for Acne Treatments.

There are many types of over the counter treatments are available in the market. Some of them may contain certain chemical ingredients which could harm your skin.

As like other disease cures, natural way also one of the way to cure it, will also not get any side effects for Healthy Skin.

Natural Acne Tips Cures -

(1) Honey Mask – Apply it at least twice a week for best results. The antibacterial property of it is helpful for disinfecting and healing blemishes and is gentle on sensitive skin too.

(2) Acne Soap - Sulfur based acne soaps are a very effective Natural Acne Treatments.

Use them two times a day to wash your face, once in the morning and secondly, before you go to bed.

Do not overuse them because they can stimulate the production of sebum which induces pimples.

(3) Vitamin A is also very important and strengthens your skin by preventing acne, reduces the production of sebum.

The vitamin is essential for maintaining and repairing the tissues of the skin. It is a strong antioxidant also. Beta-carotene or vitamin A is available in plenty in carrots. This is one really Best Acne Treatments.

If the skin does not receive all the necessary nutrients it usually fights back by producing more sebum, clogging pores and reducing your skin's ability to fight bacteria.

So supplement your diet with a potent multi-vitamin so that your skin receives all the vital nutrients.

If you have some pimples on your face avoid picking on them. This will only increase the infection and produce more.

Use a clean pillow case every day which can absorb the oil and dirt from your skin which can again cause the formation of pimples.

Just few days ago, I got one comment at below this post about "How to Get rid of Acne Overnight?"

So soon I will come with Effective Healthy Skin Tips for you at Here.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Dry Scaly Skin Patches Causes Treatments

Our whole body has natural oily layer and whenever in our life, it is going to dry, "Dry Scaly Skin Patches" will appear.

Generally they are appearing face or at leg.

With this condition, your skin is unable to produce enough oil and moisture for the body to replenish the amount of water and oil being lost.

Now let's see "The Main Causes of Scaly Skin Patches?" -

(1) dehydration - with Body ages or due to a variety of other external causes.

(2) Athlete's Foot Infection - Nothing but one form of fungus that produces dry white scaly, and sometimes reddened skin.

Before you jump to any of your conclusion, I want to specify that, this disease is similar to "Ringworm" but different from diseases like eczema and psoriasis.

Scaly Skin Treatments -

Moisturizers can be used for temporary relief as they tend to retain the moisture in the body.

"Canadian Brown Algae" is highly nutritious, provides omega-3 fats, vitamin A, several of the B vitamins, iodine, potassium, iron magnesium and calcium.

The minerals are important for maintaining the skin's moisture balance.

Vitamin E is an effective preservatives and the for dry scaly skin contains it. It can reverse the damage done by overexposure to the sun and help protect you from future damage too.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Skin Lesions Types Causes Treatments

Lesion word is originally from "Latin Language".

It means injury or any abnormal tissue in the body.

Skin Lesions Types - There are main 3 - cysts, moles or even warts The reasons for their manifestation are varied including autoimmune processes,Neoplasm, infection as well as trauma.

Seborrheic keratosis is a type of skin lesion quite itchy, itchiness is found to increase with age that looks dangerous albeit being benign.

They may occur in various sizes and types.

Most of them arise from the epidermis or uppermost layer of skin and do not go too deep into the skin like warts, which are caused by Human papilloma viruses.

Keratoacanthoma is another type that is benign and self-limiting.

Found on exposed skin, generally on the hands and face with size up to 3 cm in diameter.

It can be treated by excision biopsy but at times may need radiation therapy for complete cure.

Surgery is the most common method of removal. Warts can be removed by freezing them off using liquid gas.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Respiratory Depression Symptoms Definition

The miracle of opioid pain relief is fatally limited by tolerance, addiction andRespiratory SystemDepression.

Opioids cause respiratory depression in the individual as it affects the specialized respiratory neurons in the brain.

Along with the common adverse effects, opioids have many possible uncommon adverse effects.

Uncommon or infrequent adverse reactions in opioid abusers include dose-related respiratory depression, bad dreams, hallucinations, seizures, urticaria, urinary retention etc.

Smell of alcohol or kerosene, severe respiratory depression, circulatory collapse, convulsions, constricted pupil, Cardiac arrhythmia's etc.

Liver diseases, respiratory depression, and spontaneous abortion are caused by long-term use of Opiates.

Toxic effects of nalorphine include respiratory depression, hypertension, drowsiness and hypothermia.

Signs of increasing magnesium levels are hypotension, nausea, vomiting, depressed reflexes, respiratory depression, and coma.

Any analgesic capable of causing respiratory depression should be avoided if patient already shows any signs of respiratory impairment.

The program undergoes new inclusions and revisions on information on how to treat respiratory depression in infants at the time of birth.

Effects on central nervous system include drowsiness, coma, convulsions, and vomiting.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Green Tea Cake Recipes

Green Tea Cake Recipes -

This is a light and moist cake that is not too sweet and has a refreshing green tea fragrance.

The frosting uses cream cheese but has enough sweetness to mask the sour taste.

Green Tea powder gives it a delicate green hue too.

It can also be baked as a sheet cake in a 9x 13 inch pan or as 2 separate round cakes in two 8 inch round pans.

Because of Health Benefits of Green Tea this recipe become really most popular all over the world.

Green tea is also part of many skin care products for Healthy Skin, does have antioxidant properties and can protect against sun damage by working to subdue unhealthy cells.

It's also good for easing rosacea redness, and has been found to be a good acne treatment as well.

It may inhibit the growth of cancer, simple, inexpensive means of preventing diabetes, safe and inexpensive cure to acne and reduce the inflammation associated with acne.

It educes blood cholesterol and blood clotting and lowers blood pressure. It also has the ability to combat heart disease and reduce the risk of strokes.

It may protect the brain and fight the memory-robbing effects seen with plaque deposits in Alzheimer's disease.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pomegranate Juice Benefits Nutrition

Pomegranate is a fruit originating from the Middle East. It is used as folk medicine in many cultures. It is cultivated in many countries such as Japan, Afghanistan, Russia, India and China.

Considered as one of the earliest fruits that have been cultivated along with grapes, figs, olives, and dates somewhere between 4000 B. C. E and 3000 B. C. E., pomegranate continued to be an emblem of fertility, rebirth, and health.

Pomegranate Juice Benefits Nutrition -

(1) It may help reduce the risk of having a heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes.Pomegranate juice daily may help support the normal blood flow to the heart.

It keeps bad cholesterol from forming, and thus, may help keep the arteries clear of clots.

(2) It may help support the body's normal defense in the prevention of certain cancers. Since It has very high levels of antioxidant called "flavenoids" that is thought to be effective in counteracting various cancer-causing radicals.

(3) It may help reduce the risks for illnesses such as atherosclerosis, osteoarthritis, and diabetes.

(4) It is a rich source of various vitamins. Pomegranate is a good, natural source of vitamins A, C and E as well as folic acid.

(5) It may helps to slow down the aging process and beneficial in maintaining the elasticity/health of your skin

(6) Prevention of breast cancer from being formed. This juice has positively reduces lung cancer risks and it also slows down the possibility of prostate cancer. The juice also benefits the brain and it slows down the possibility of Alzheimer's disease. Drinking the juice of pomegranate juice also immensely benefits the neonatal brain of the unborn child.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

How Much Caffeine in Green Tea

oes Green Tea have Caffeine ? -

You can drink an average of 4 cups of green tea a day without affecting your health in any way.

However, if you go over that limit, might have to suffer from various problems like - sleeplessness, restlessness, headaches and feelings of nausea.

Just avoid drinking green tea in the evening, for your good night's sleep.

Caffeine only really starts to become a serious issue when you become addicted to it.

So After about discussion, your "Is there caffeine in green tea?" - this question will definitely proper answer.

Just buy Green Tea in decaffeinated form if you are worried or have a sensitive stomach.

Only heat the water to 80 degrees C and pour the water over the leaves. After about 1 minute, drain this water away and pour some fresh water on the leaves.

After about a further 1 1/2 minutes you should have a perfect brew.

You won't find the Chinese or Japanese boiling their water for their tea ceremonies.

Green Tea Health Benefits -

Lowers cholesterol, you can loose weight with help of it by burning calories
Reduces high blood pressure, Prevents arthritis
Boosts your immune system, Lowers blood sugar
Slows the aging process, Reduces the risk of stroke
Lowers the risk of blood clot

It may be fine for preventing aging in skin, but will do nothing to help your acne.

It has antioxidants which will slow down collagen breakdown, hence it will help to keep skin young looking and delay the onset of wrinkles.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

What is Asbestosis Causes

What is Asbestosis ? -

Asbestosis is a disease of the lung that causes a diffuse and fibrosing interstitial damage.

From exposure a sufferer may be diagnosed with a number of associated asbestos related diseases.

Pleural Plaques, Pleural Thickening, Asbestosis, Lung Cancer and the fatalMesothelioma.

It starts to manifest around at least 10 years after moderate to severe exposure to asbestos.

Causes of Asbestosis -

Tight chest ; Lungs making a crackling sound ; A constant cough ; Chest pain

Shortness of breath all the time

finger nails are going to rounded and the finger tips are spread out more.

A less common symptom results in the ends of fingers becoming swollen, misshaped and red due to a fluid build-up, a condition known as finger clubbing.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Chicken Skin Disease Treatment

Feeling tiny rough bumps on the outer-upper arms and thighs is not entirely unique to certain individuals.

This skin condition might be mistaken for other skin conditions especially during the winter season.

Chicken Skin Disease also known as "keratosis pilaris".

Its actually a genetic disorder that involves the keratinization that occurs in the hair follicles.

Other skin conditions that may be associated are atopic dermatitis, xerosis, andichthyosis.

Chicken Skin Treatment -

(1) Expose the skin to sunshine for about fifteen to thirty minutes, not to overexpose the body so as to dry it out too much.

(2) Increase humidity levels while indoors is also recommended for adequate skin hydration.

(3) Using soaps that contain urea, propylene glycol, and lactic acid, as well as other emollients have been found to soften the hardened tiny bumps on the skin.

(4) Applying moisturizers after bathing is also a good way to keep the moisture in.

(5) Staying away from foods that have been known to cause allergic flare-ups is a good start.

(6) Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids such as flax hemp seed, walnuts,salmon, and tuna are highly recommended.

(7) Drinking ample amounts of water is always advised as the body functions better when it is properly hydrated.

(8) Mixing equal parts of olive oil and sugar can give you an effective exfoliant that you can use in order to slough off the keratin plugs as well as other dirt particles from your skin.

(9) Using apple cider vinegar to wash the area affected by keratosis pilaris could take the place of using lactic acid washes and creams.

(10) Adding several tablespoons of Vitamin E oil to your bath water could help seal in the moisture in your skin and improve the appearance of your keratosis pilaris.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Green Tea Metabolism

Green Tea is powerful drink contains natural and beneficial antioxidants that help release toxins from the body of other things that can harm you in the long run.

Heart disease, weight gain, and other toxins that potentially can do major damage to the body are offset by the powers of this ancient beverage.

In it's natural form it actually has more caffeine that coffee.

When caffeine is thrown into the body too fast it can cause a sudden rise in glucose levels, this makes it difficult and should be avoided by people with diabetes.

This caffeine in a way is gradually released within the body and allows for you to get a slow, but repeated supply of the it.

Fat in the body has been shown with the consumption of this, oxidizes fat deposits by nearly 20% more.

Green Tea Health Benefits has a good combination of things that activate a process called thermogenesis.

Catechins, polyphenols, caffeine, and antioxidants enable this process which allow your metabolism to burn more calories then it would have normally.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Current Health Articles Talk About Myths

In the current health articles, we have seen the topic of breast feeding and myths related to it, have been raised tremendous times. These current heath articles reveal the today's hi-tech and scientific world and women still believe in these myths. There are many myths that have been attached to the breast feeding. The myths are like the following:

The first and most common myth is that the majority of women aren't able to produce more than enough milk. But in reality, this is the false conception. The current heath articles, written by the scholars, have shown that the overabundance of milk is common. The most common and usual reason that the baby does not get the milk that is available is that he is poorly latched onto the breast. This is why it has become so important that the mother be shown how to latch a baby on properly.

The second myth that has been shown in the current health articles is that it is normal forbreastfeeding to hurt. This is not true at all. Any pain related to it that is more than mild is abnormal and it is because that the baby is not latching properly. Any nipple pain that is not getting better by day 3 or 4 or lasts beyond 5 or 6 days should not be ignored by the mother.

It is the frequently asked question in the current health articles that there is no (not enough) milk during the first 3 or 4 days after birth. This is again the misconception. The reason behind this misconception is also not the proper latching of the baby. This has been seen and read in the scholaristic current health articles that during the first few days the baby who is latched on poorly cannot get milk. By not latching on the baby well, the baby is unable to get the mother's first milk, called colostrums.

This is really funny and amazed query in the current health articles. It says that a mother should wash her nipples each time before feeding the baby. Hygiene is really important for the baby as he is prone to infections. As we all know that the breast milk protects the baby against infection. The concept of washing nipples before each feeding makes breastfeeding unnecessarily complicated and washes away protective oils from the nipple.

Breast milk does not contain enough iron for the baby's needs is the again one of the fallacy which women believe, says the current health articles. This is again an untrue statement. The breast milk contains just enough iron for the baby's needs.

Again the most asked question that it is easier to bottle feed than to breastfeed. This is again not true. The current health articles have proved that the breastfeeding is made difficult because women often do not receive the help they should to get started properly. A poor start can indeed make breastfeeding difficult as well as painful. But a poor start can also be overcome by the proper guidance as well as the help.

health articles
health articles
health articles
health articles
health articles
health articles
health articles
health articles
health articles
health articles
health articles

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

mens health articles

This section called, mens health articles, provides valuable information to over 97% of men who will suffer from some kind of urinary problem in their lifetime.

The problem could start in your thirties or sixties, but it will happen so be prepared to know the symptoms of this aliment. mens health articles It pays dividends for a man to become knowledgeable by reading men’s health articles about his prostate gland. Moreover, one should be aware of its functions.

prostate diagram

Specifically, the prostate gland is a man’s sex organ that is wrapped around the urethra under the bladder. The problem is this: the prostate gland continues to grow as we age, thereby causing our urethra to become restricted because of BPH (enlarged prostate)! This restriction causes a problem when one is trying to urinate.

This module presents articles that will explain in some detail how the prostate affects both your sex life and your life span.

I sincerely hope that you read this information it can help you to avoid mistakes and avoid inexperienced urologists.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Current Health Articles

Looking for the current health articles to read, but don't have the time to read all the articles written in your health magazine? Then you might find the following health articles overview interesting;

Current Health Articles:
H1N1 Flue Deemed Non-Sensational!
The seriousness of H1N1 Swine Flue wrapped the world in great terror during its debut outbreak. Today,health officials say that the outbreak of Swine Flu is not really considered as that devastating. The pandemic H1N1, personified by the media, was nothing more serious than previous seasonal flu viruses; this is also according to one research group who made an independent census on flu.

Men More Likely to Suffer Memory Loss

According to a recent research, men are found to be much more susceptible to memory loss and mental impairments than women. The new research points out how gender greatly affects the mind and why it is less likely to be experience by women. This is because the male group have higher tendency to develop Mild Cognitive Impairment which can sometimes trigger Alzheimer's disease. People who suffer from MCI also notice problems related to analytical ability and memory.

Cheaper Treatment for HIV-infected Kids

Because of the pronounced costliness of HIV treatment, the options for HIV-infected children have become limited for the past decade. But thanks to the establishment of a new U.S National Institutes. Their funded study revealed a possible and cheaper means in treating children infected with HIV. Their discovery also includes the practical use of Nevirapine as an HIV drug in the treatment. Nevirapine is the most frequently turned to HIV drug that helps reduce the risk of HIV transmission to newborn babies.

Hair Hormone Reveal Causing Heart Risk

Because there was no direct evidence that would link a chronic stress to heart attack, many researchers viewed it that way. Today, a recent study had revealed that an increased level of stress hormone called cortisol in the shaft of the hair can stimulate and improve the risk of heart attack. In this study, it was also discovered that cortisol level is a more important heart attack predictor than high blood, high cholesterol and smoking combined.
For more current health articles, you can check the web for more info.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Why a Health Article?

Health articles provide us with information about health. Beyond this simplistic definition, they also make the readers aware about various health issues and problems. 'Health articles' is a very broad topic and there are various subsections within the topic. The main purpose of health articles is to spread awareness about health problems and provide solutions to numerous health problems.

Although most of them do reflect the facts, some are misleading. These articles need to be read carefully before using any of advice in them. The same shall be observed in with plethora of healthadvice available everywhere. This is because even if the advice is medically correct, they might not be suitable for your condition.


Articles appear in various publications. One can find a well-researched and highly credible health article in science and medicine journals. These articles are based on painstaking research and are written by the researcher and professors in that field. Non-academic magazines, which have a wider audience, also publish health articles. Newspapers around the world usually have a daily column relating tohealth. Many magazines and newspapers publish special editions relating to specific health problems or issues.


The first and foremost area is medicine. Generally, doctors, dietitians or the respective authorities write the medicinal health articles. Some health articles adopt a generalist perspective and focus on overall well-being whereas some articles concentrate on serious diseases. The articles focus on dreadful diseases like cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's and on simple cold and flu. These articles provide helpful information about the symptoms of these diseases and offer tips to prevent these diseases.


Other than medicine, there are many other areas like fitness, beauty etc. Some articles target specific age groups. In today's busy world people encounter many health problems and therefore there is a great demand for information relating to health and wellbeing. Today many people have a sedentary lifestyle and thus face major health problems at a very early stage. Due to the advent of TV and computers, there is an increased rate of childhood obesity. Owing to such a lifestyle, health articles relating to weight loss and fitness are very popular. People are seeking for articles that provide ways to stay fit in their busy schedules.